Hola, willkommen, bienvenue Stockahz! Or as Agent Cooper might have it, hel-LOOO-oooo!!! Happy to be back, once more in the engineer's seat rather than laying track in front of a train at full speed. And while that image may seem a pleasant one to some of you in a Buster Keaton/Wallace & Gromit type fashion, believe me, it's no fun. Various factors emerged over the last few months to hinder, if not out-and-out wreck the best intentions of this site; to provide the monthly calendar on the 1st, to provide a monthly overview on the first Friday, and to provide weekly Picks as well as updates as the venue skeds change. Hopefully we're firmly back on track now, as I'm glad to present a fully loaded calendar that includes the year's first outdoor screenings, and will be providing additonal info about updates as they emerge.
Also, I'm not one to seek a pat on the back or anything like that, but this month does mark the 5 year anniversary of this site's initiation. Flew by, kids, as I'm sure it did for some of you. Should you be new to this page, or wanna take a trip through nostalgiaville, you can read the very first missive right here, if only to see how the site's evolved from it's mewling beginnings. We didn't have the interactive calendar yet, but it was in the works and would appear that August. I have to say it's been an honor to oversee this site, and I couldn't have done it or continue to do it without the help and support of 3 very important people; Adam Honen, Ingrid Montealegre, and co-conspirator Michael Davis. They've stuck with me from the beginning only because they wanted to see me make it happen. Well, they thought there might be some dough in the proposition as well, and so did I. But really, it's been a labor of love and it continues to be. Plus, maybe some dough.