Huzzah and Hooray, Stockahz! My longtime foe, that magnificent beast of fierce gusts inexhaustable and bitter temps to make glaciers blush, that venomous behemoth known as January, has found itself felled once more. Once more we outlast it, outlive it. Once more we emerge victorious against its horrid breath and grasp. Once more we y'know actually I gotta say not the worst January we've ever seen. Sorta mild actually. Not a lot of urgent need to curse and combat it, really. No call for its demonization. Look, as Januarys go, I'll take it. See ya next year kiddo. Oh, and we'll be READY for you, you bastard! Make no mistake!
Now, we face the second head of the dreaded Cerberus that kicks of each new calendar, the dread February. It's reach is deceptive, as its pages count a mere 28, yet men stronger than myself have succumbed to its seeming endlessness. Another Super Bowl awaits, as well as thermometer fracturing drops and a cycle of grey to black sky that punishes the soul. Have I mentioned Valentine's Day yet?
Yes, it's no doubt a drag, a slog, a climb uphill battering, bruising, potentially imposible. But NAH! We'll get through this ill-mannered bastard of a month as we always do, and the film fanatic and frenetic amongst us in the 5 boroughs will turn to that warm balm that always helps to smooth life along when even its roughest edges emerge; our very own repertory film circuit, which grows both in programming and edifice to provide such within. So let's look to this month's doings. It's exactly what February won't EXPECT us to do...