New York City's premiere resource for classic film screenings in the metropolitan area. Offering reviews, recommendations, venues and a host of links keeping classic film and the silver screens alive.
Well we got the calendar up on time, 12:01 am October 1st, and it's complete and working like a charm. Now I'm late with the monthly overview blog. Whatevz. Hopefully by next month the entire game plan will run smoother than a brand new Porsche off the factory floor. 'Cause when you think of this site you think of the executive class of automotive engineering. I know.
So far, so good. The interactive calendar's been up for two weeks now and early reports indicate no one's been seriously hurt. Yet. Instead I've received mostly good response to the new thingamajigger that allows you to click on the day of your choice and check out all the classic film doings on that day, and even scroll further to check out the whole month of goodies. It's just to the right of this blog. Yep, that's it. On yer way. Yer welcome.
Well, it's a calendar is the answer. The one I've been trying to bring you, the adoring public, for a couple of years now, and for this I have Michael Davis, webmaster extraordinaire, to thank. I can now take what previously existed as a collection of notebook scribblings or iPhone calendar entries and make it a united resource that hopefully benefits all socially misfitted film lovers like myself. So hooray would be the appropriate response, fellow geeks! Let me hear ya!
We're just about ready to premiere the new interactive calendar, so the August sked will have to wait for Wednesday. In the meantime enjoy the last of our flick listings for July, and I hope you attend as many of these screenings as you can! It's still Summer, bastidz! Enjoy!
After the events that unfolded at midnight last Thursday it seems really trivial, almost ludicrous, to post my usual weekly blog and a listing of the month's screenings. What are the movies compared to life's horrors? What worth can they possibly have measured against the tragedy that one human may inflict on another, or others? Indeed, it was a movie theater where this awful crime occurred, and no amount of the optimism and enthusiasm we bring with us to the theater was worth a damn in preventing the damage one troubled individual wrought on the filmgoers that night.
These are the months when it gets tricky. The wintertime dreams dancing in the heads of repertory programmers in art houses, museums, rooftops, parks, virtually any space that can be termed a venue come to fruition under the sun's anvil; July.
But the Cinegeek remains a hearty breed. No amount of sweltering sepia will sway him from attending a communal screening of a fave flick. Forgetting to bring his Good-For-1-Free-Popcorn card though, well...
Here is the updated July calendar, which gives you the day, week and month in classic film screenings.
There is much going on this Monday July the 9th.
But today? Today remind yourself of all things in Hollywood tough, bashful, gritty, oddball, realistic, both villainous and heroic, and at its best romantic. Hell, remind yourself of all these things existing in the real world.